Heavy Artillary Records
Yes! The almighty Vektor return with their second full length, Outer Isolation. Their previous album, Black Future, was a thrashterpiece of blackened, technical and inventive metal genius, and now they've come back.
So, does Outer Isolation measure up to Black Future? Absolutely. Each track cuts a swath through you, sharp as any knife; these guys know how to keep you guessing. They aren't playing straightforward thrash but are harkening back to early bands that took things several steps further in terms of playing progressively. Bands like Voivod and Sadus, followed by the likes of Atheist and Cynic, and even later Pestilence. Another stand-out feature here is vocalist. David DiSanto utilizes a black metal feeling but also hits incredible high shrieks that remind me of classic Death Angel singer, Mark Osegueda.
Recommended for fans of Voivod, Sadus and Synergy era Extol.
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